FoamAffair Laundry Services FAQs

1. Why should I choose Foam Affair services?

At Foam Affair, we understand your position as an undergraduate as we are undergraduates too. Understanding this is critical in ensuring that we look into every aspect of our process in great detail to ensure all your laundry needs are being addressed.

We provide you with convenience in handing over and retrieving your laundry at your preferred locations within NTU at your preferred time. This varies greatly from sending and collecting them yourselves at laundry outlets. We also offer such laundry services twice a week, which is more than enough for those staying in halls. On top of that, the charges are lower than available vendors in the western part of Singapore. The vendor that we are trusting your laundry with also provides quality and reliable laundry services.

2. How and when can I hand over my laundry for wash?

You can pack your dirty laundry in our ziplock laundry bags and send them down to the collection point nearest to you. Our collection days are specified on either Monday or Wednesday. This option is available to you when you fill the order form as it really depends on your needs. All clothes that are sent will be tagged for easier tracking and retrieval.

3. How long does it take for my clothes to be washed?

A typical wash order will take between 4 to 7 days from the point you hand over your clothes to us to the point you collect them.

4. Can I specify a method of wash?

If your article requires special care and treatment, please indicate “special attention” during order. Removal of tough stains will be done upon customer’s request and at their own risk, with additional charges applied.

5. How can I retrieve my laundry?

All clothes sent will be collected at the respective hall offices at the time specified in the order receipt.

6. Will there be a problem if I were to lose my order receipt?

The order receipt will help to expedite the process in retrieving your clothes during collection. In a case where you do not have it with you, we can still issue you your clothes, subject to some measures of verification your ownership of the clothes. This might take a little longer than usual.

7. How do I make payment for the service?

Payments to Foam Affair can be done through 3 options of payment: 1) Bank Transfer, 2) Internet Bank (IB) Transfer, and 3) Cash Payment.

8. When do I make this payment?
Payment for laundry services will have to be made prior to any processing of materials.

9. Can I ask for compensation for damaged clothing?

The vendor will be liable for claims to damages in the event of mishandling. Please refer to Terms & Conditions for more information.

FoamAffair Cleaning Services FAQs

1. Why should I choose FoamAffair cleaning services?

We understand that as undergraduates, you might not have sufficient time to clean up your hall rooms, despite knowing its importance. So, we are here to provide you with that option to ensure that your hall stay is clean, hygienic and as comfortable as home.

2. How long does it take for my room to be cleaned?

There are 2 packages that you can choose depending on your needs – a 15 minute cleaning or 30 minute cleaning.

3. Do I have to be present during the cleaning process?

It is advisable for you to be there when the cleaners are in your room. However, in caeses where you can’t, our officers will be in attendance during every cleaning.

4. How do I make payment for the service?

Payments to Foam Affair can be done through 3 options of payment: 1) Bank Transfer, 2) Internet Bank (IB) Transfer, and 3) Cash Payment.

5. When do I make this payment?

Payment for cleaning services will have to be made prior to the cleaning of your rooms.

6. Can I ask for compensation for damaged properties in my room?

The cleaners’ company will be liable for claims to damages in the event of mishandling. Please refer to Terms & Conditions for more information.

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